Thursday, December 27, 2012

Monday, October 29, 2012

Here we are sitting in this massive hurricane.  So far it just seems like a wet, rainy day.  All of the responsible weather reporters have advised that everyone should stay inside and not drive unless it's absolutely necessary.  So, naturally, I plan to pack up the whole family and drive around to check things out.  I think we'll be OK.
Just saw this.  So me I had to share...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  So embarrassing when I get caught, though, which I ususally do.

So it begins

Here I am, finally joining the 20th century (I know, I know, now we're in the 21st.  I'll get there eventually). 

So, I have a Myspace and a facenook and some email.  It's pretty fancy stuff!  Check me out.  WOOT WOOT!


I also intend to document my attempts at homesteading and cooking and all that jazz.  I'm working on extending my culinary repertoire past meatloaf and pot roast, even though I make BOMB meat loaf and pot roast!

So, enjoy!